A place where newcomers can come with all their questions about life in Leuven.
Are you moving to Belgium for work? International House Leuven can help you get off to a great start in Leuven.
Here you can ask all your questions about residence permits, work permits, your rights in Belgium, family reunification ...
CAW gives you information and helps you administratively with everything related to immigration law.
For your personal administration for your stay in Leuven, you can go to the city office.
You can contact the Agency for Integration and Inburgering for the integration program (social orientation course) and information about Dutch courses.
Belgium has three official languages: Dutch (also called Flemish in Belgium/Flanders), French, and German. Dutch is spoken in Leuven.
Is your child growing up in a different- or multilingual family? The Language Coach gives free advice on how to encourage language development and prevent language disadvantage.
Would you like help from a Leuven native to help you find your way around town? Then ask for a buddy. He or she can help you find your way around Leuven. Or just go out together.
At VDAB, you can find information about working in Flanders and get help looking for work.
ROOTS organizes leisure activities each Fridaynight for newcomers aged 18 and over.
Contact us. We are happy to help you.