Practices book: practices to help spread nature-based solutions
This report explores practices to implementnature-based solutions with the participation of various actors, and in doing so, simultaneously laying a foundation for further dissemination of nature-based solutions.
Content of the report
The Practices book provides practical and accessible ‘guidance’ on different conditions and factors for successful deployment that upholds values of democracy, equity, inclusiveness and participation. It contains evidence-based practices and recommendations for consideration that we have experimented with and learned from directly in multiple European cities participating in the LIFE-PACT project.
These NbS Practices are primarily aimed at civil servants working in local government. They are also for civil society organisations, democracy innovation practitioners and subject matter experts in scientific, technical and community building professions working with local government civil servants to spread NbS locally. We also hope that community conveners and grassroots groups will find them inspiring for action, and useful to learn how local governments are approaching NbS to work better together.

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