City of Madrid, engaging communities in public innovation for PACT-project

The city is actively pursuing a new urban model centered on environmental policies, with a particular emphasis on nature-based solutions as a cornerstone of this transformative vision, aiming to contribute to a healthier, more inclusive, diverse, and resilient urban environment. 

Locations in Madrid

We have carefully selected two primary schools and their surrounding areas within the San Cristobal neighbourhood in Villaverde District. Through a collaborative effort that brings together children, school managers, community associations, artists, designers and various public facilities, we aim to develop, implement and assess innovative nature-based solutions, while reimagining the utilization of public spaces.

Two public primary schools in San Cristobal, Villaverde District, in Madrid

Why does the city do this?

Madrid faces significant climate change impacts, including rising heatwaves, droughts, extreme events, and biodiversity loss, which pose risks to health, economy, social equity, and well-being, disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups.

The project specifically focuses on schools as crucial spaces in addressing the climate crisis, providing shelter during extreme events and serving as hubs for social cohesion.

Nature-based solutions are vital tools to address these challenges.The Life PACT project in Madrid focuses on testing innovative methodologies and urban interventions to enhance social, economic, and environmental resilience in highly vulnerable areas, particularly the San Cristobal de los Angeles neighborhood in the District of Villaverde.

The project aims to implement Nature-Based Solutions with citizen participation, addressing the unique challenges to the neighborhood while providing replicable tools and results for broader implementation at the city scale.

Despite the district's environmental, economic and social challenges, active local communities and engaged residents contribute to grassroots initiatives and cultural vibrancy, forming a foundation for positive change.

The city of Madrid works in close collaboration with itdUPM who facilitates and orchestrates the multi-stakeholder collaboration of this project.

Video 'The cocreation process '

Landscape ecosystems, the narrative depicts the way in which the various stakeholders of Madrid process have been working together in the cocreation process (Civil servants, academics, local associations, and school community).

Video 'The design project'

This video portrays the way which the design process and preliminary design was able to provide collective narratives for climate adaptation.

Video 'The neighbourhood'

This last video is a physical portrait of the neighbourhood, trying to highlight the micro scalar figures, including biodiversity, sounds, children, and natural ecosystems beyond the actual urban layout.</span>