Changing your residence status

Are you already legally residing in Belgium, and do you wish to change your residence status? Contact us.

For whom?

In one of the following situations:

  • You arrived in Belgium without a type D visa and registered your short stay. You are now applying for a stay of more than 3 months.
  • You already hold a Belgian residence permit, and you want to change your residence status.

Which documents do you require?

This depends on your situation.
Contact us to ask which documents you need to submit.

How to apply for a change of status?

  • Email to:
  • Subject line of the email: 'residence application' + surname + given name(s) (as stated on your national passport) + Belgian national registration number (‘rijksregisternummer’) or reference number of your declaration of arrival (annex 3)
  • Mention the following information in the email:
    • Surname, given name(s) (as stated on your national passport)
    • Reason for the application (change of status)
    • Belgian phone number
  • Attach the following documents (in PDF format, each document scanned separately and in colour):
    • National passport (biodata page)
    • Residence permit (front and back) or declaration of arrival (annex 3)
    • The documents required for the application for a change of status
      • Medical certificate (if required):
AttentionOnly complete files will be processed.
Prefer not to apply online?
Come to the city office, by appointment.
When applicable, you will immediately receive proof of your registration (‘annex 15’, ‘annex 19ter’, 'annex 33ter' or 'annex 41bis').
Which documents do I need?

What happens after your application?

No more than 2 weeks later, you will receive a confirmation by email that we received your application. In some cases, you will receive an invitation to come to the city office to collect proof of your application for a change of status (an ‘annex 15’, ‘annex 19ter’, ‘annex 33ter’ or ‘annex 41bis’). You make an appointment.

What do you need to bring?

  • National passport
  • Invitation from the city
  • The documents mentioned in your invitation

How to make an appointment?

If you are not in Belgium, you can only make an appointment by phone.

Make an appointment

In most cases, the FPS Home Affairs, Immigration Office, must approve your application. The decision period depends on the change which you apply for.


The administrative fee depends on the change which you apply for.

Do you have a question?

Contact us. We are happy to help you.

Call us

016 27 21 94

Mail us
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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